One who is gracious to a poor man lends to the Lord

Our Vision is to be the ecosystem where underprivileged children grow loving, fearing, and walking with God realizing their true potential and God’s purposes in their lives. With the city’s rapid growth, workers are migrating from different parts of the state and country. (2013 estimate – 25 to 35% people in the city live in slums).  Children of these migrant workers are neglected lot, lacking education and environment to learn and grow.
The concern is will these children be part of nation-building in the future?

Not as construction workers but as architects of this nation.

Most of our children come from these houses. They have dreams to become Doctors and Engineers. They had missed years of Schooling due to the nature of their parent’s jobs.  Also, children who came to our home lacked moral standards, hygiene, and life values. Now, they are growing to be adorable, lovable with high values in their life in the time they are here. And also have begun to help others in the community.
Ananda Sagara has created an Ecosystem, not just for the children staying with us, but also reaching out to other children of migrant workers in the neighborhood.
It takes a village to raise a child – African proverb.
We are creating an ecosystem for these neglected children to blossom. We are providing a home for these #BlueTentChildren

We started in June 2014 and God has helped us grow.

We thank God for each one of you, who has helped us in our journey. With no big sponsors, with no continuous and consistent support, we have relied on God and our prayers to live day to day.

Our immediate next goal is to grow our vocational training center so we can empower more youth in our community.